Tuesday, April 7, 2015

SGO's: Yes!

SGO's are back.

So, ya'll need to write a short essay. Four paragraphs will suffice.

Here's the prompt: All of the works we have read this year deal with the thematic conflict of Man versus Society. Select any two works we have read this year and explain how the work deals with the aforementioned theme.

You may use: The Crucible, Walden, "Letter From a Birmingham Jail," "The Minister's Black Veil," Into Thin Air, Into the Wild, The Lord of the Flies, Julius Caesar (Yeah, don't.), or even an episode of Star Trek.

Completed Essays are due at the beginning of class on Thursday, April 9th.

For your troubles, I am extending the time you have for the Caesar essays. They are now due on Wednesday, April 15th.

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