Comedians Key and Peele created the following video for their recent appearance on Conan O'Brien:
The video makes light of the names of some professional athletes, and while it is intended to be humorous, it is far from being politically correct. To better put this in perspective, it is relevant to note that 20th century American culture does not have a monopoly on unusual names.
Slate Magazine just recently posted a humorous and telling article concerning some of the most unsual and occasionally downright spiteful Puritan names of yesteryear:
"A Boy Named Humiliation". If this article sparks your interest, feel free to check out
Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature, a comprehensive study of Puritan naming practices published in 1888.
What about your name? What does it mean? What does it reveal about you and your relationship to your family?
Please research the meaning of your own name using the
Behind the Name website. If your first name does not deliver any results, try your last name, or ask your family members what the name means to them.
In the comment section of this post, respond to the following:
- Do you find Key and Peele's sketch offensive? Is it racist? Explain.
- Select what you feel is the most memorable Puritan name from the article from Slate Magazine and explain what the name reveals about the Puritan culture.
- Finally, explain the significance of your own first or last name. Please include information you find from Behind the Name or from your own research.
Responses are due by midnight, this Friday (9/20). Also, I have emailed invites for you all to join the blog. Please create blogger accounts. If this is an issue, post an anonymous comment with your full name and see me in person on Monday.