Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tomato Sauce

The tiny, funny-haired fellow delivered an absurd yet straight-forward talk. It was factual but engaging. He had found a simple way to illustrate the importance of a democratic ideal—there is no single right answer in anything. There’s no perfect coffee brew, and there is no perfect tomato sauce. Chunky is not an appetizing word.

Your favorite tomato sauce isn’t my favorite tomato sauce.

I almost forgot, all of this began with Diet Pepsi. Imagine, Diet Soda did something important for all of us.

I’m curious as to what type of scientist this fellow is. I took calculus. I have no clue what calculus is though. I believe it has to do with measuring the volume of irregularly shaped objects. Hmm. Perhaps an elaborate food metaphor would help. Yes. Ragu.

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