Friday, January 16, 2015

This is Sam Berns. He died approximately one year ago. Please watch this wonderful young man's TED Talk and leave a thoughtful comment on this post (Due prior to school on Tuesday, 1/20). Have a lovely weekend, all.


  1. Wisdom does not come from living on this Earth some 70 years. Wise people aren't always old. Sam was 17 years old at the time of his TED Talk. His advice about life could help anyone at any age. What really struck me was the people he has in his life to support him. He loves them and they love him. Could we as high school students around the same age as him say that? Friends are nice to have, but do you rely on them when you're in need? Do you go to your parents when you have a problem? Teenagers try to be independent to show they aren't little children anymore. But this just hurts them. Everyone needs support. Don't throw help away. Get a support system in your life. Sam, with the challenges he faced, lived a happy life. You can too.

  2. After watching this video Sam now has my utmost respect, and I acknowledge his bright personality and enthusiastic attitude. Everyone deserves a happy life, and I believe Sam has showed all of us how to live one. It doesn’t matter if you live 70 years or only 17 years, everyone should live a happy life. We should all live by Sam’s Philosophy to a Happy Life, especially his first statement: don’t waste your time being negative and sad about the things you can’t do, but cherish and be happy about the things you can do. Most of the time, we whine and complain about what others have that you don’t, or what they are allowed to do, that you aren’t. But why would we waste our precious time alive complaining and worrying about negative things? What Sam has taught me is that life is precious and you shouldn’t waste it on anything but being happy. You have to literally live everyday like it’s your last, because you never know what the next day has in store for you.

  3. Naturally, I felt bad for him. To have a fatal disease that only 350 people have today, out of the 7 billion people in the world, would leave anyone in a hateful and bitter state. If I had that disease, all I would think about was how unfair the world was 24/7. But Sam Berns had a different outlook on his life and I give him the utmost respect for his optimism. I love how well he embraces his Progeria and how he doesn’t wish for pity. “I try not to waste energy feeling badly for myself. If I do, I get stuck in a paradox, where there is no room for any happiness. I don’t ignore it, I accept it. And do what I can to move past it.” Moreover, Sam has an unbelievably loving and giving personality. “I strive to change the world. And as I am striving to change the world, I will be happy.” And in his HBO document, “Life According to Sam,” he acknowledges all the effort his mom invests in him and the awareness of Progeria. “I just want my mom to be done with Progeria, for her sake.” He seemed like a great guy with such a positive outlook on life even under his circumstances. So why shouldn’t I be the same.

  4. I hate this stupid blog because it never posts my comments so I have to take the time to write it again and it's never as good as the first one.

    I'm actually really mad at you because you said that I wouldn't cry or be sad (and maybe I'm just a loser), but I did.

    Damn, I hate crying but I love this kid. I mean what he said is a lot easier said than done, but it was truly inspiring. It made me wonder how you get to that point? How do you not get caught up in the negatives and how do you stop yourself from feeling kinda trapped? I loved what he said about accepting the bad and not ignoring it, but it still makes me question how you accept it. It's so easy to ignore the bad, I mean I do it all the time and I've gotten pretty good at it. But, how do you stop? How do you accept things that are hurting you the most? Sam really amazes me that at such a young age, he found happiness. Happiness is place everyone deserves, but is such a hard place to reach. So, Taylor tried to find her happiness. (I guess I'm pushed to do this a lot whenever the fam and I go to the temple, they try to push happiness. Buddha is really big on "happiness" and "family" and blah blah blah. But, I'm probably the worst buddhist ever so whatever.) Actually, my new year's resolution (even though those things are complete bull) was to be happy. So, good luck to me.

    Sorry for the rambling.

  5. After watching that, I am amazed on Sam 's happy life. The guy is has a rare disease that cause him to age more. Sam took that disease and wear it like a name tag. Sam does not care about everyone' s pity or the activities that he can not do, but he cares about living his life to the fullest and "focusing on things that he is passionate about, like scouting or music or comic books or any of my favorite Boston sports teams." Sam was devastated when he could not be marching with his band in the halftime show, but that will not stop Sam. With his family and an engineer help, Sam was able to play with a snare drum carrier that weigh 6lb. Overall, Nothing can stop Sam Berns from having a happy life, not even a disease. If he can overcome obstacle and think on the positive things, then the rest of us can do the same, right?

  6. It was hard watching the video. Sam just looked so fragile and weak that all I could feel was pity. But after listening to what he said, I gained a new perspective on him. One of the things that he said that I found interesting was that he didn't really think about having progeria. Sam accepted his condition which is hard for many people to do. My aunt, for example, has vitiligo on her face, and it's all she can think about because she hates the way her skin looks. She pities herself and doesn't want to go outside because she's embarrassed of how she looks despite everyone telling her that she looks fine. It's amazing how Sam is so accepting of his condition. It's easy to talk about self-acceptance, but it's hard to practice. There is always going to be people staring at you, or obstacles that you face that most likely can't be solve. However, Sam didn't let progeria stop him from living out his life and being happy, and everyone should learn from him.

  7. What struck me about Sam Berns was how simple he made happiness sound. Everyone always exaggerates how sad they are and how hard their lives are. Here is a guy who actually has an excuse to complain about how sad and hard his life is, yet he chooses not to. People talk about how hard it is to be happy, but if this boy could do it with his incurable disease, than what could possibly be so hard about it? It’s so sad that the homeless folks I see on the street seem to be happier than the teenagers I see in the hallways. I think this is in part due to the romanticism of sadness in the media. For some reason, sadness is made out to be this beautiful state of mind, and then happiness is made out to be an unattainable prize. So many people choose to be sad. They decide to narrow their view until all they see is the negative. It’s not hard to be happy; people just have to open their minds to all the positive. Overall, more individuals should strive to be like Sam Berns-- happy, regardless of their circumstances.

  8. Sam is such an admirable person. He has a harder life than most yet he still strives to be happy and doesn’t let his disease generate a negative outlook on life. Obviously there must have been a lot of struggles and setbacks in his life, but it is truly commendable that he still managed to keep a positive attitude. There needs to be more people like Sam in this world because as easy as it is to pity ourselves, Sam spends more time focusing on his philosophy for a happy life. It’s remarkable that Sam, a person with a fatal disease that only affects 350 people worldwide, can only focus on the happiness in his life and positively influence others.

  9. Honestly, I felt bad for him. To have this very rare disease, that prevents you from doing all the things you want in life, and causes you to be viewed differently, would undoubtedly leave anyone in a pitiful and bitter state. If I had Progeria, I would probably complain about how unfair and pointless life is 24/7. However, Sam Burns had a different outlook on his life. He had a positive attitude towards things, a very bright personality, and he did not hope for pity from everyone. I have so much respect for him, and I truly admire his optimism. In my opinion, what Sam discussed in the video clip applies to everyone. His philosophy should be considered by everyone, because what he discussed in the video clip is what people need to enjoy their life. If you can’t accept yourself, appreciate the things you can do, or surround yourself with the people you love, how can you expect to move further in life? It’s almost impossible to move further in life without these components.

    Sam’s TED Talk was positive, authentic, and from the heart. His presentation was amazing, and it has inspired many others, including myself, to not let things prevent you from living your life and being happy.

  10. This video truly warmed my heart. The fact that someone like Sam was just so positive really changed my outlook on everything in my life. He’s just such a happy and positive person. It does break my heart a little that he has to live with this terrible disease but the fact that he’s okay with it makes me so happy. I do feel really bad for him but if he’s happy its okay. I just really hope he lives as long as possible because he has so many goals set for himself and so many things he can do with all of his intelligence. Sam really showed me how to live a happy life and that no matter what you have to look at the positives no the negatives.

  11. I was simply amazed at Sam's ability to overcome obstacles. He didn't allow Progeria to impede his short lifetime, and spent it being happy. Another example is his desire to march drumline in marching band. He worked hard along with his mother and an engineer to design equipment he could use. Sam Bern was certainly a determined person. His life was certainly a testament for being happy in your own skin. Many people lead unhappy lives today but could never even imagine the trials and tribulations Sam had to overcome. Everyone should learn from Sam that life is short, so it is best spent to its fullest.

  12. Inspiration comes from the places we least expect it. A song filled with a thousand lyrics, a movie dramatizing everyday life and people who do nothing but be themselves. Sam Bern had come to terms with his life. He had accepted the facts of how his life can be lived but that hadn’t stopped him from living it his way. The idea of being told no to most would crush their spirits leading them to give up. Sam took it upon himself to have no strings hold him back from doing the things he loved. He changed the meaning of impossible, twisted the definition and showed it’s a lie to the people who believe happiness can be achieved. All while being his humble positive self in the faces of others. His philosophy could change many lives the possibilities are endless. The simplicity of a snare drum shows true passion and commitment he had to achieve his goas. The courage he had to face others and go to high school cannot be overlooked. Sam Bern didn’t let his progeria ruin his life instead he used it to thrive in a positive outlook to achieve greatness in the world and more importantly in himself.

  13. Sam is without a doubt a huge inspiration to everyone who just watched this. You would never even think that a boy who looked so helpless and fragile would have the most positive and happy outlook on life like he 100% did. All I could think about watching this was how crazy it must be to 1 out of 350 people to encounter this disease but then I second guessed myself because Sam wouldn't be who he was if his life wasn't the way it was. When he started talking about how lost he felt when he was isolated in the hospital made me sick to my stomach because unlike most people, Sam doesn't have the opportunities everyone has and his main goal was to be brave and happy and he valued that. It was incredible to see a person with so many challenges and limits to face and overcome each and everyone one of them and completely shock everyone with his brave and positive attitude.

  14. Happiness is such a hard thing to obtain, yet Sam was able to find it despite him having Progeria. I am honestly amazed how he was able to be happy and continue to live his life, not letting his disease get in the way. I really think that if people were to follow his philosophy, they would have a happy life. His first point, was "Be OK with what you ultimately can't do, because there is so much you CAN do." For Sam, there were many things he couldn't do, but that did not stop him. If people were to have this mindset, that it is okay not to be able to do everything, it would stop them from thinking about the negatives things about themselves and focus on the positives. His second point, "Surround yourself with people you want to be around." You can't be happy if you don't have people who love and encourage you. Sam found happiness from the love and support of the people he had around him. His third point was, "keep moving forward." Sam looked forward to everything, even if it was something small. By doing so, it helped him get through the difficult times that he was having. If we constantly look forward to the future, never letting the past weigh us down, we can truly find happiness. Sam makes it look so easy to find happiness when it is so hard for others. It is his overwhelming positive outlook on life that makes Sam such a strong and amazing person.

    1. He truly had a gift for expressing truths in a simple fashion.

  15. Sam Berns tells people to be happy and gives them his philosophy of happiness yet the people that see him become sad for him. Thus his telling them to be happy did not really help. This is because people want to be sad; they beg for the attention. I do not care for attention, so I live a happy life. Anyone that ever sees me says that I am always happy with a smile on my face. I do disagree with two points of Sam's philosophy, however. Do not surround yourself with other people because their sadness will rub off on you. This means that it is always good to miss a party because drunk, sad, desperate people will be there and they will make you drunk, sad, and desperate. Moreover, I do agree with points one and three of Sam's philosophy. Accept what you cannot do and, more importantly, keep moving forward. These are two imortant ways to lead a happy life, however Sam did forget an important point: live everday as if it were the last. Hopefully, Sam's last day was not spent trying to make the world happy, as it was something that he could not do, but instead was spent on making him happy. Do not worry about other people's feelings because they are sad and want to be sad. For all I care, everyone dies with me. I have two younger brothers; one is named Zachary. Assuming that Zach does not continue his destructive behavior, and assuming a lifespan for me at about forty years, most would say that Zach will outlive me. However, the Zach that I know cannot outlive me because the Zach that I know dies with me, so why should I waste my time making him happy if we will both eventually die at the same time? Time would be better spent on making myself happy, especially if I live a short life, because whether the world is happy or not does not matter. In order to live a truly happy life, follow Sam's first and third step and worry about your own happiness, not others'.

    1. Some transcendentalism here. Do Legos make you happy?

  16. It is honestly amazing how the people who have been dealt the worse cards in life are normally the ones that enjoy the game the most. Sam is an inspiration, an idol, and in my opinion he is a hero for the message that he is preaching. He could be bitter and angry at the world but he isn't, he suffers from progeria which is extremely rare but he has something rarer than any other disease, a positive look on life. He just simply amazing, I know I couldn't have a positive look like this and I know most of the population couldn't be positive if they had what he has to deal with. I honestly feel terrible about myself watching this, I complain so much on the negative in my life rather than focusing on the positive.

  17. After watching this video, Sam Berns became one of the most inspirational people I have ever seen. He tells people that he is living a very happy life despite his disease. He could easily tell everyone that he is angry at life for being born with this disease, but instead he embraces it. Sam says he only focuses on the things that he can do in life. He loves playing in the marching band so he found a way to achieve his dream and play the snare drum with the marching band. Most teenagers would focus on the things they can't do such as driving on their own, or hang out more often with their friends which is why Sam isn't the average teen. He is much smarter and happier than most people have the potential to be, so he is really an inspiration to everyone.

  18. I couldn't help but feel bad for Sam when I started watching this video but his whole philosophy on having a happy life made me rethink how I feel about situations. He had so many reasons to be upset yet he seemed like the happiest person alive. When he talked about acknowledging the bad but not letting it control your life is so true, you can be upset about something and still be a happy person. The fact that he has a disease but still lives a happy life is so inspiring! And he has such an amazing support group and such a great attitude on doing the things that may seem impossible. Even though he knows there is so much he can not do he is so good at focusing on the things he can do. Overall he just such an inspiring kid with a inspiring outlook on life and happiness!

  19. It's hard to write a response on something that we learned while watching this video. Sam taught me so many different things and made me have a different perspective on life. If everyone had the same attitude towards life as Sam does the world would be a better place. After watching this video I have so many mixed emotions and it made me question about who I am and what kind of attitude I have towards life. People are always complaining about the smallest things that seem so important, but in reality they're not. Here's someone who was born with a disease that handicaps him from doing so many things but he focuses on all the things he can do and to me that is amazing because where I am now wit just having a concussion and I get so angry at all the things that I can't do and a concussion isn't even permanent. Sam motivated me to just look at life as simple and that's what it will be. You are what you make out of the situation so if you want a positive reaction than you yourself have to be positive.

  20. First of all, when you said that this video wouldn't be a tearjerker, you were wrong. Through the whole twelve minutes of the video, I wanted to burst into tears. To think that a person can be so happy, hopeful, and brave while living with the possibility of dying, that shows a kind of courage that I can't respect enough. The only reason I didn't shed a tear is because towards the beginning of the video, Sam said that he didn't want to be pitied. His philosophies are very uplifting and realistic. And to me, they are relatable. Sam meant for these philosophies to be helpful for the average person as well as serious situations, and I think he would be happy to know that they helped me! Sam Berns has touched my heart and my mind.

  21. This boy was amazing. To think that someone so young has the outlook that they are dying, but still need to make the best out of life, deeply saddens me. In a way though, it also makes me very happy that someone close to our ages is so intelligent and has a very happy outlook on life. You don't really see a bunch of these people, and you certainly don't see them at this age. This boy shows me that I have nothing to be upset over. He had progeria and still overcame al the obstacles that he did! Thank you Sam Berns, you really know how to give a pep talk.

  22. Although many of us including myself feel bad for Sam, it is reassuring that a boy like him can give such positive and meaningful advice. It gives us really no excuse yo feel sorry or be depressed about our lives all the time. Ultimately Sam sat and taped a video simply to make people happy; it has touched our hearts and minds to think that yeah it doesn't matter how many years we live just that we make each by ear we do live joyful and eventful.

  23. Even though Sam had a terminal illness he still had a great life. People who get diagnosed with diseases like this usually just have a humdrum life and just wait to die, but not Sam. He was always happy and lived to the fullest even though he was ill. Accept the things you can't do but there is so many things you can do. Even though you can't do everything, what ever you can do, do it to the fullest extent. Also, fill your life with who you want to fill it with. Don't let people bring you down only have people who want to build you up. Lastly, keep moving forward. If you let the little things bring you down. Always stay positive and be happy in your life because you never know when it will end.

  24. Sam was such a strong little boy. Even though he had a weak and fragile experience, the way he carried himself made him seem strong. Sam was such a positive young boy and it helped me realize that I needed to be thankful for my life. Even though Sam had such a terrible disease he still seemed to find a way to be happy. This really made me reflect about my life that I need to be more thankful and stop being so ungrateful for things. If this young boy named Sam can find a way to be so happy with his conditions then then the least I can do is appreciate my life more.

  25. Sam was such a strong little boy. Even though he had a weak and fragile experience, the way he carried himself made him seem strong. Sam was such a positive young boy and it helped me realize that I needed to be thankful for my life. Even though Sam had such a terrible disease he still seemed to find a way to be happy. This really made me reflect about my life that I need to be more thankful and stop being so ungrateful for things. If this young boy named Sam can find a way to be so happy with his conditions then then the least I can do is appreciate my life more.

  26. It's amazing how Sam can still have a postive outlook on life even when he has an incurable disease and knows he's going to die. We take life for granted all the time and we never really realize how lucky we are. Sam is just one of those people who no matter what, will look on the brighter side of things. It makes me realize that instead of complaining about useless shit I have no control over, just do it. (NIKE!) But honestly, he was a great kid who touched a lot of people's hearts.

  27. Sam is a kid that we should all look up to. He found happiness through a terminal illness. No matter how hard your life is just think, it could always be worse. Happiness to me is overcoming things that may be difficult. Also, it is living each day to the fullest. This is exactly what Sam did. Happiness is an emotion that could be hard to find. He is a kid that will stay in my mind for a while. He changed my perspective on things in a positive way.

  28. Sam Berns inspires me because he wasn't a negative person. He looked on the bright side of things even though he knew he was going to live a short life. Instead of giving up he decided to appreciate every moment. This totally changed the way I viewed life. I shouldn't take anything for granted and live life to the fullest like Sam did. This video made me realize how lucky I am and how I should appreciate everything I have.

  29. I feel bad for sam because he has a million reasons to be mad at the world, and
    if i was in his situation i would be. But instead he accepted his disease and
    made the best of life. I think more people need to watch videos like this
    because so many people complain about life when they don't have it nearly as
    hard as this kid who never complained and only looked for positive things.

  30. Sam is an admirable person with suc admirable views. Even after his illness, he never forgot to be happy and overcame all his obstacles. Most people who are suffering from an illness, as diagnosable as common cold, over react as if the have no life now. People stay home all the time, hiding in his/her bed, while thinking of all the horrible things the illness can give you. Relax and enjoy your life. Be happy all the time no matter what.

  31. Sam is such an inspiration. He doesn’t let this disease get to him. Despite all the bad, Sam overlooks that and focuses on the good instead. He surrounds himself with people who accept him for his personality, not for his disease. Whatever he wanted, he set his mind to it and achieved it. In my opinion, I think that’s a really good mindset. He just wanted to fit in, do things other teenagers his age do, experience life like everyone else. All because he’s weak and wrinkly, doesn’t make him any different from the rest. Sam didn’t let a little sickness ruin his life, and I really admire that. Honestly, I wouldn’t know what I would do if I were in his situation. I’ve been living a life without any defects for so long. I’ve been accustomed to certain things. If I were to suddenly have a disease, I don’t know if I would react the same way as Sam. Sam is strong and positive, while I am not.
    (P.S. Sorry this was late! :D)

  32. This video and Sam inspired me. The way he views life, even though he has such a horrible disease, makes me realize that no matter what situation you're in, you can always find happiness. Sam kept finding happiness through the simplest things in his grim life. His situation and his positive attitude towards it makes me admire him so much. My life cannot be compare to Sam's. While I am living a healthy life, Sam did not. His disease makes me realize that I can't take the life I have for granted. Not everyone has the opportunities and health that I have, and I now realize that I should be thankful for every moment that happens, even the bad ones. Because like Sam, I can always find a way to be happy no matter what. (P.S. Like Jas, sorry this was late! :))) )

  33. Gabe marrero
    I am a amazed by this young mam he is so smart at the age he is, so much wisdom inside him, so happy despite his physical illness. I would give anything to think and be happy like him. He seems to have many family and friends whom he cares for that keep him to keep striving for his dreams. I love how even though his disability he still finds alternative ways solve his problems. He truly is on the inside the picture of a beautiful being that sees goodness in everything. Me personally wants to strive to be like him everyday, we need more people like him in the world. I consider him now a huge inspiration after watching this video.
    Sorry for this being late.

  34. Gabe marrero
    I am a amazed by this young mam he is so smart at the age he is, so much wisdom inside him, so happy despite his physical illness. I would give anything to think and be happy like him. He seems to have many family and friends whom he cares for that keep him to keep striving for his dreams. I love how even though his disability he still finds alternative ways solve his problems. He truly is on the inside the picture of a beautiful being that sees goodness in everything. Me personally wants to strive to be like him everyday, we need more people like him in the world. I consider him now a huge inspiration after watching this video.
    Sorry for this being late.

  35. People with privileged lives are usually oblivious to things like this. We are full of ignorance and ignorance is bliss. I don’t think I’ve heard of Sam Berns before, but I won’t forget him. I complain when I’m sick, so I have no doubt that I would complain and feel sorry for myself if I had Progeria. When I look at people who have less fortunate lives than I do and are still happy, it makes me feel bad. I think just because something doesn’t go my way one day that I’m having a bad day. But, Sam has made me step back and think about all of my problems compared to his. They are not even close in comparison. If he can have a happy attitude, I should too.

  36. Although Sam has an incurable terminal illness, and knew he couldn't be cured or live for a significant amount of time, he was happy. I saw this episode of ted talks a couple years ago and it made me feel the same now as it did when i first saw it. Made me think if he can be happy, then there should be no reason for me not to be. He looks at the positive side of his life and was thankful for his friends, band, and just things he enjoyed, along with all his family and others have done for him. If we all learned to look at the positive aspect of things like Sam this world would be a better place.

  37. I don't really know how to describe my thoughts on this video. Sam was truly an amazing person. He lived so happily. Its great to see someone who can live with such a good attitude. He ended up with an illness that took so much from him and stopped him from being able to do so much, but he didn't let it stop him from living a happy life. He talks about letting in his bad feelings in just so that he can acknowledge them, accept them and move past them. He could have been so mad at the world and wonder why him if so little people have this disease but he didn't. He accepted it and i think that is what is inspirational about him the sense that he did things that people now can't do that, I know sometimes I cant do he was accepting to even the bad things. I learned a lot from his video mainly not live with such a rotten attitude all the time because there is no reason at all to have one. He was truly an amazing person and I still don't think their is a correct way to describe how inspirational he really is.

  38. It's interesting to hear the story of a young man suffering multiple hardships (Generated from the disease at hand) listening to his outlook on life, appreciating everything he is capable of rather than what he isn't. He considers his life to be normal and happy regardless of his physical appearance. It's truly admirable. His hopes and dreams displayed for the world to witness. Though there is an underlying sense of sadness to know that he did pass away. Just the idea of having life taken away from someone at a young age is very upsetting yet heartwarming to know that Sam Berns made the best of what he had.
