Monday, January 27, 2014

Midterm Vocabulary and Essay Prompt


  1. Asperity (1)
  2. Doleful (1)
  3. Garish (1)
  4. Imbue (1)
  5. Undermine (1)
  6. Adjudicate (2)
  7. Countenance (2)
  8. Expedite (2)
  9. Implacable (2)
  10. Spurious (2)
  11. Curtail (3)
  12. Indignity (3)
  13. Malign (3)
  14. Rancor (3)
  15. Reparation (3)
  16. Adamant (4)
  17. Assiduous (4)
  18. Chary (4)
  19. Ephemeral (4)
  20. Ingratiate (4)
  21. Acrimony (5)
  22. Ambivalent (5)
  23. Engender (5)
  24. Exacerbate (5)
  25. Proselytize (5)
  26. Ameliorate (6)
  27. Baleful (6)
  28. Compunction (6)
  29. Circumvent (6)
  30. Euphemism (6)
  31. Castigate (7)
  32. Colloquial (7)
  33. Inter (7)
  34. Lacerate (7)
  35. Largesse (7)
  36. Adjacent (8)
  37. Beset (8)
  38. Cede (8)
  39. Circuitous (8)
  40. Desultory (8)
Midterm Expository Essay Prompt

All of the works we have covered this year deal with the conflict, "Man versus Society." This conflict has shaped the themes of The Crucible, Walden, Into Thin Air, Into the Wild, The Lord of the Flies, and Hell in the Pacific. Select any three of the aforementioned works and compare and contrast the theme of each, paying specific attention to the role the conflict "Man versus Society" plays in each.