Monday, October 27, 2014

Young Goodman Brown

"Young Goodman Brown"

The Story:

The Questions:

  • Respond to the "Reading Questions" and the "Food for Thought" items.
    • Your responses must be typed and a copy must be turned in on Monday, Nov. 3.
  • Yes, I stole this from a college professor's page. 
Once we finish with our buddy, Nate, we will read a Stephen King short story inspired by "Young Goodman Brown": "The Man in the Black Suit."

Here's some Dylan for good measure!

So, a question has already risen: Why does Goodman have this mysterious appointment in the woods?

Hawthorne's contemporary, Herman Melville, felt that Hawthorne was as deep as Dante.
Yo, that's deep as hell.

Is it fair to assume that "Young Goodman Brown" is an allegory in the same vein as The Inferno? You decide.


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